Thursday, January 15, 2015

A letter to Lola

Dear Lola 

Your 4th Birthday is approaching fast. 
I'm in shock. I'm not sure where those years have gone and how they have flown by so fast. 

What I do know is how fiercely proud of you I am. 
You have grown from my beautiful, peaceful baby, to a cherub of a toddler, to a feisty threenager & are now fast approaching your school years with an enviable lust for life & experiences. 

You are smart, confident and friendly. You are strong willed and determined which doesn't always mean an easy ride, but really, I wouldn't have you any other way! 

They tell me at PreSchool that you have the perfect mix. You are happy, you mix well with other children, love to play, get involved with everything & know how to stand your own ground. You know how to make yourself heard.  
I can not put into words just how much it warms my heart to hear others speak so highly of you, to hear them tell me what I already know. 
You are a delight. 
I am blessed to be your Mum. 

As you get older, you are more preoccupied with your Daddy, or lack of one. 
We have always talked about your origins and the fact you have a 'Daddy Donor', I feel recently you have just realised what a 'Daddy' is & that you haven't got one around. 
I think watching Unky D play with your cousins & seeing your friends with their Dads has made you realise that you don't have that in your life. 
Over the past couple of days you have started to tell me that you want your Daddy. As I pull you close and I explain our story to you again you tell me 'I want a new Daddy'. 
I'm not surprised my love. I wish you had a Dad too. Not for my own sake, to make this parenting lark easier, but for your sake. 
It's one of the things I feel sad about too. 
But it wasn't to be. The beginning of our journey together was not destined to be spent with a man around. That's not to say that we won't find a man who will love you & be a father to you. 

I have been told many times that sharing genes does not make you a family. It's the people around you, that love you, support you, are there for you when you are happy or sad that are your family. 
For now, your Father is an amazing man who was generous enough to help me bring you into the world. I will be forever grateful to him, he gave me the greatest gift, the chance to have you. 

I tell you that families come in all shapes and sizes, there are small families, large families, single parent families, families with one Mum, families with 2 Dads. There are many other families like ours. The most important things in family are that you love & care for each other. You, my beautiful girl, are loved in abundance! 

When you are 18, if you choose, you will have another family to explore and can find out about your donor siblings! If you do choose to go searching, you may find that you have a larger & more diverse family than most! 

So my precious girl, what you do have is a Mum who loves you more than can be put into words. Who is happier than she has ever been now that you are around. You have made my life brighter, full of love and laughter. You make me a better person. 

I love our life together. I love watching you grow & develop, it's amazing now that we can have a conversation & also giggle over silly things together. 

My beautiful girl, thank you for the best 4 years of my life. I'll never stop thanking my lucky stars, you're the best thing to ever happen to me, the gift that keeps on giving. 💜

I love you so much 