Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Big Girls Bed.

After finding Lola half clinging out of her cot the other night , I realised the time had come to take the sides off her cot & transform the cotbed into a bed.

I've been mulling it over for a couple of weeks & had decided to leave it a while as until about a week ago she seemed happy in her cotbed. Bloody typical eh?!

I'm not sure if it was the 'right' time to do it, the back molars are rumbling around & threatening to put in an appearance. (Bastards) We've had toxic nappies, drools of dribble & her fists rammed in her mouth at any given opportunity. last night we even had sickness ( from coughing) but what with work & available childcare, it had to be done today. I certainly didn't want to leave it and risk her falling out & hurting herself.

So today was spent taking a side off the cot, hanging some wispy material, putting up new wall stickers & generally 'prettifying' her room. I was pleased with the final result.

First signs were good. As she ran into her room, she gasped 'WOW' and excitedly got into her bed. It was hard work convincing her to get out & put her PJ's on & listen to a story.

She went down easily enough. I then jinxed it by tweeting how well everything had gone!

Bit of a cry & she's settled back down again.

Me? I'm a tender hooks and having a little weep that my 'baby' is growing up so quickly.

So, wish me luck!

I'll update our progress later on!

How old was your little one when you moved them on from their cot?

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